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  • Magnesium Oxide For Feed Additives

Magnesium Oxide For Feed Additives

Physical Properties

Name:Magnesium Oxide

Molecular formula: MgO

Molecular weight: 40.3044

Magnesium Oxide in feed additives

Feed grade magnesium oxide is an inorganic salt product that is rich in magnesium ions and is the most widely used feed source for ruminants. It is a gastric buffer that can increase the pH value of the stomach, increase feed intake, and increase milk fat rate.

Feed grade magnesium oxide can effectively supplement magnesium elements to animals and prevent magnesium deficiency. Helps maintain acid-base balance in animal bodies, improve growth performance and immunity. It has a positive effect on the development and maintenance of bone strength in animals.

Magnesium oxide regulates the neutralizing effect of gastric juice, increases the yield of cows. Magnesium ions can synergistically interact with sodium and potassium ions, maintain the balance of cell osmotic pressure, alleviate stimulation, and increase yield. Magnesium oxide in magnesium oxide can effectively inhibit bloating and other contents. The determination of magnesium oxide content is mostly done using EDTA titration method.

Advantages of feed grade magnesium oxide:

This product has a high magnesium content, while heavy metals and arsenic content are lower than food grade standards.
It can promote digestion, defecation, enhance physical fitness and disease resistance of livestock and poultry.
Can be used as feed additives, supplements, and to supplement magnesium in feed.
Has good palatability and reduces diarrhea rate.
The magnesium content in stomach acid is relatively high, and its biological effect on ruminants such as cattle and sheep is better than that of magnesium sulfate.
Helps regulate the balance of inorganic salts in livestock and poultry, preventing seizures caused by magnesium deficiency.
It can improve various diseases caused by magnesium deficiency in ruminants and livestock.

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